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Performing on the Troll Stage

Wednesday thru Saturday – 10:30am – 11:15am | 2:15pm – 3:00pm

Ragnarökkr is the cataclysmic battle between the forces of chaos and those of order in Norse mythology, ending the world and killing most of the Gods and their adversaries, leading to the birth of a new world. Ragnarökkr (“Twilight of the Gods”) is the pivotal event that ends the mythic cycle beginning with the birth of the Gods of Asgard (the Aesir), and the creation of the Nine Realms of Norse cosmology. The Gods established order and restrained the forces of chaos, but at Ragnarökkr, these forces break free, and even though the Gods know the battle is great, they march into battle to save the world they have created. It is Ragnarökkr (Vikings with Guitars), who are known as Warriors who play music while they descend into battle to save the world.  

Today’s Ragnarökkr (Vikings with Guitars), will entertain you with selections of your favorite music that you can move to and sing along with. We play a wide variety of music and have the ability to provide musical selections that cover many genres of different generations and ages. You will be sure to enjoy The Vikings with Guitars music and witty banter. 

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