The festival wouldn’t be possible without all of our amazing volunteers. Perks include making new friends, attending the festival for FREE, and a discounted concert ticket! All of this and more while helping the Norsk Høstfest festival offer its 44th year to the world as the largest Scandinavian festival in North America. It’s the only place to be Sept. 27-30. Tasks that need helping hands include the Scandi Kitchen, ticket scanners, sellers for clothing and clogs, and waffle and spud hog chefs. Take your pick at your favorite task and shift and sign up today! The Bunad Parade and Show promises to be one of the best ever. Models will dawn their beautiful bunads for the guests to be in awe over. Each day, the bunad modelers will parade at 10:45 a.m. through the festival halls, complete with fiddle and lur music, and land in Oslo Hall for the show. Detailed descriptions will be shared about each bunad and its significance. You can volunteer to model a bunad for the show, offer your bunad to be modeled by someone else, or just watch the fun!