The Norsk Høstfest returns to Minot this week, and will bring thousands of people with it — meaning that both organizers and volunteers have a busy few days ahead of them. Fortunately for the festival, there are plenty of volunteers ready to go.
Teresa Loftesnes is the Volunteer Coordinator for Høstfest and must ensure that the event has enough helping hands to go around. Loftnesnes says nearly 2,500 volunteers come through the Høstfest office annually — and that this year, around 5,000 total volunteers will help with the festival.
“I say I have the best job at the office because people are happy,” she states. “They want to come and volunteer. They call on the phone and want to volunteer. They come into the office. We visit, and I can show them all the different opportunities, and explain some of the job tasks a little bit more clearly to them.”