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Norsk Høstfest is Hiring An Office Assistant 

If you are reading this, you’re either already thinking about how many Viking on a Stick treats you can eat without needing an angioplasty at next year’s event…  

– OR – 

You’re smiling as you fire up Google to learn what the heck that even means because you’re a need-to-know, let’s-figure-this-out kind of person who loves a challenge. 

Either one of those options is a great start for this clerical and customer-service role that supports North America’s largest Scandinavian festival! 

Liking people is another huge plus.

Still here? Phenomenal! Are you the person your friends come to for help or a hug? Can you organize things in your sleep? And how about keeping calm, collected, and positive in the midst of an office that hustles? 

Yes, yes, and yes? Skål!