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Performing on the Troll Stage

Wednesday thru Saturday – 1:00pm – 1:45pm | 4:45pm – 5:30pm

North Dakota native, Byron Nelson, also known by his stage name “Lars”, is a talented musician with a passion for classic country, vintage rock, and folk music. Byron’s midwestern accent and unique guitar style has earned him a following in the “Up North” music scene.

Byron regularly performs at Veteran Care facilities, Senior Centers and American Legions or…garages, barns and sheds, to quote Cheap Trick “No gig too big or hall too small”.

Recently, as part of the “Ole and Lars” comedy act, Byron recently completed a successful six performance run at the Hjemkomst Scandinavian Midsummer 2024 event in Moorhead, MN.

Like the ABBA song, “Take a chance on me”!